Notice: Because of Hoyoverse's security system, the mm may cancel the trade if the mm isn't able to secure the account. |
For easier trading, you can transfer the account to a dummy email and surrender the dummy email to the mm. |
➛ Fee or Payment will be given in the middle of service. (Once one or both accounts are checked and secured depending on the trade.) |
➛ Depending on the platform the trade was done in, a vouch may be asked to be posted unless n/a. |
➛ If the trade is cancelled after one account is checked, both traders still need to vouch. |
➛ Check the star symbol for fees I take. |
➛ Both traders are advised to be available / responsive during the trade. |
``↳ The trade will take mins - hours depending on the size and how active the traders are. |
➛ Traders must notify when going afk. |
➛ If gone for a long time, the trade might be put on hold and we might have to re-do the trade when the trader comes back. |
The other trader or the mm might not be available anymore if one trader goes afk for too long. |
➛ I can do trades with timezone and availability difference but it will take days most likely. |
``↳ This is only if the traders are comfortable with me securing the account/s for some time until the trade is cancelled or settled. |
➛ Failure to notify when going afk and ignoring or ghosting the messages for too long will lead to being reported. |
➛ The mm is not responsible if something happens to an account. (i.e. Account gets retrieved or account gets logged in through a link) |
``↳ I'm very thorough with how I check accounts and will inform the traders about everything I find. I will let the traders decide if they still want to continue or not if there are any issues. |
➛ The mm is not held liable for any payments that were refunded unless the mm personally did the transaction. (i.e. Payment was given to the mm and mm gave the payment to the seller) |
➛ Services can be free for accounts 7x5 and under if I feel like, but fee is required for accounts that are at least 8x5. |
``↳ This applies when trading multiple accounts as well. If one side adds up to 8x5, fee is required. |
➛ Message me on my socials for any inquiries and to avail. |